4th Uni Shorts International Student Film Festival 2016, Auckland, New Zealand – Call for movies

Final week to get in your student short film entries for Uni Shorts 2016.

Deadline is next week 11 March – as long as your entry is postmarked on or before this date, or your online entry form is received by that date.

Accepting fiction, documentary, animation and non-narrative/experimental films, plus free entry for NZ Secondary Schools. Go to www.unitec.ac.nz/unishorts to enter now!

HOW TO ENTER – Uni Shorts International Student Film Festival 2016

We welcome all short films in the following genres: Fiction (undergraduate), Fiction (postgraduate), Documentary, Experimental, Animation.

Entry Fee NZD$30 (or NZD$80 for three or more entries). Great prizes!

How to enter?

1.       Complete the online entry form at www.unitec.ac.nz/unishorts

2.       Post your DVD screener to: Uni Shorts Film Festival, c/o – Unitec Department of Performing & Screen Arts, Private Bag 92025, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand

Alternatively, you can send us a secure downloadable link (via Drop Box, VIMEO or We Transfer) tounishorts@unitec.ac.nz
(all foreign language films must have English subtitles embedded)

3.       Finally, email the following supporting material to unishorts@unitec.ac.nz: (1) directors bio. (2) directors headshot photo (JPEG format), (3) synopsis, (4) production credits + (5) 2 x image stills (screen grabs) for each film entered.

New entry deadline is 11 March, 2016 so don’t wait – enter now!

The fourth annual Uni Shorts International Student Film Festival will be held in Auckland, New Zealand in 2016. Dates to be confirmed.