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Designed as a mentoring and residential Lab taking place over an 8-month period (from November 2021 to June 2022 for the inaugural edition), “Munich Film Up!” intends to support 6 promising young filmmakers – film students & fresh graduates – from all over the world, during the crucial transitory period from film studies to professionalization.

The program, that will kick off at the 40th anniversary of the Filmschoolfest Munich in November 2021 and will conclude at the Filmfest München in June 2022, will be focusing as much on the personal development of the mentees as on the development of their film projects (predominantly feature films, yet the program is open to different formats).


In launching the Munich Film Up!, our objective is to create an inspiring space for creativity and ideas, to enable young filmmakers from all over the world to find their own personal way to evolve their visions and stories into debut feature films.
Munich Film Up! supports the filmmakers throughout their creative process, offering them an individual development plan especially designed to meet their specific needs. For the duration of the Lab, each filmmaker will be coached by its artistic director Matthieu Darras, along with top-notch international industry mentors, to continuously question the creative decisions made during the screenwriting and development process, and to repeatedly apply new approaches.

Aside from furthering the individual projects on a content level, Munich Film Up! has also placed a special focus on networking. The participating filmmakers meet renowned international film industry professionals, who will help them advance their projects most effectively. The Pop Up Film Residency will contribute its expertise in project development, plus its network of brilliant, experienced international hosts. Ideally, the mentoring and networking will give the created screenplays the financing and development support required to eventually evolve them into six new film projects.


Following its official launch on the 12th of July 2021 in the frame of Cannes Film Festival & its Short Film Corner, Munich Film Up! will announce a call for projects with submission deadline on the 15th of September 2021. (

The 6 selected participants will take part in a first get together in November 2021 as part of the Filmschoolfest Munich, during which they will share about their projects with one another, and define their personal trajectories together with the artistic director during the program.

Each participant will be benefiting from an immersive 3-week-long Pop Up Film Residency, each one situated in a different residence from the network according to the needs of the projects.

These residencies are planned for Winter/Spring 2022.

Eventually, the participants will meet again in Munich, in the frame of the Filmfest München in June 2022, and networking activities with the film industry will enable their projects to be highlighted in order to move on into production.


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