Dear friends and colleagues of CILECT film schools,
I am sending you attached information regarding our one-year In training programme for young producers and distributors, supported by the sub-MEDIA programme of Creative Europe. More detailed information is available on the website of La Fémis ( and note that non-European candidates are also admitted (maximum 20% of the participants) in order to support young non-European professionals who intend to work in and with Europe to gain and improve their knowledge and expertise of the European Industry.
We will soon be recruiting candidates for the 2021-2022 edition of the programme. The deadline for submitting the applications is May 31st both in Ludwigsburg and in Paris. We would greatly appreciate if the attached documentation could be available at your offices so that candidates interested in this programme can contact us for further information and apply.
In Ludwigsburg, please contact Anne Christine Knoth, Programme Coordinator at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Akademiehof 10, D-71638 Ludwigsburg, Tel: +49 7141 969 82501,,
In Paris, please contact Juliette Rigalleau my assistant, at La Fémis, 6 rue Francoeur, F-75018 Paris, Tel. +33 1 53 41 21 35,,