CILECT North America Online Virtual Production Symposium, Thurs. April 21st, 1 – 4:30 PM

CILECT North America Online Virtual Production Symposium, April 21st, 2022

We are pleased to announce the CILECT North America Online Virtual Production Symposium that will take place on Thursday, April 21st from 1:00 to 4:30 PM PST.

The symposium will provide an overview of the emerging and highly innovative field of Virtual Production and how it can be effectively integrated into a film and media educational program.

The symposium will begin with two keynote presentations. The first will cover from a broad perspective the transformational impact virtual production has had on the screen industries, while the second presentation will look at the construction of a curriculum for virtual production across technology, art, and design. This will be followed by a panel that will offer overviews of different virtual production educational programs and the curriculums that were developed for these programs. Finally, we will finish with a showcase and discussion of projects that were produced within different virtual production programs.

The symposium has been designed to appeal to a wide range of film and media educators and students who are interested in learning about virtual production and how to effectively integrate it into their educational programs.

Although this event is free, please register at the link below:


Please note that the Zoom link for the symposium will be sent to you a few days before the event.

Symposium Schedule

Thursday, April 21st at 1 PM PST

Keynotes (1:00 – 1:50 PM)

       –      “A Story of Convergence”

               By Andy Phelps, American University and University of Canterbury, NZ

             “Constructing a Full Virtual Production Curriculum Across Technology, Art, and Design”

       –       By David Long, Magic Center, Rochester Institute of Technology

      –       Q & A

Panel: Teaching Virtual Production (2:00 – 3:20 PM)

Moderator: Madeline Warren, Chapman University
Dan Leonard, Chapman University 
Francisco Menendez, University Nevada Las Vegas
Andy Phelps, American University and University of Canterbury, NZ
Flip Phillips, Magic Center, Rochester Institute of Technology
Spencer Idenouye, SIRT, Sheridan College

Virtual Production Project Showcase (3:30 – 4:30 PM)

Bonus Presentation at 7 PM: “Making MrBeast’s Squid Game in 10 Days”

Sam Wickert presents an inside look at how he recreated Netflix’s "Squid Game"  
 with @MrBeast using Virtual Production