GEECT I Leadership symposium – Lisbon 25th April 2022 (Universidade Lusófona)

Deadline for registration : 31th March 2022

Film education requires that we are responsive to the changes and urgencies of our time, with space to reflect and discuss different topics that affect our activities and how it influences the future of education, curriculum and institutional planning. With this in mind, GEECT is putting together a new initiative designed to facilitate the much-needed time for discussion, reflection and networking for leaders in film schools.


This one-day event is open to the leadership of GEECT member schools with a live only format that includes keynote presentations and allocated time for participatory discussion. This is also an opportunity for all members to influence the agenda of the association and to advance topics of interest that are immediately relevant to their school’s concerns and priorities.

This is the first edition of the symposium and we want to give all members the possibility to intervene and actively participate and that is why we have included in the afternoon a “world café” format organized around different themes pre-defined by the members.  

Indicative dates

Deadline for topics submission: 15th February 2022 Closed
Deadline for registration: 31th March 2022
Event date: 25th April 2022
No participation fee. Travel and accommodation costs are not covered.

Program (WET):

9:00 Welcome note and objectives of the symposium (Manuel Damásio, GEECT Chair)
9:30 Su Nicholls-Gärtner (IFS – International Film School) – Past and future: research on European film schools
10:00 Maria Silvia Gatta (European Commission, DG CNECT,  Communications Networks, Content & Technology, I.3 Unit – Audiovisual Industry & media programmes) – Opportunities for film schools and the Creative Europe agenda
10:30 10:45 BREAK (15 min break)
10:45 Case studies (International cooperation between GEECT schools): Editor E+ project and the FILMEU project).
12:30 Lunch Break
13:30 Round tables – World Café format
Topics for the round tables are:

  • What should we do with our students work?
  • Academization of film schools
  • Networking and collaborations in a remote world
  • Sustainbility and film schools
  • Challenges to the future: Independence within different forms of funding

17:30 Closing and final remarks