Professor of Audiovisual Arts (Film) with research and teaching tasks (indefinite term – 0.8 FTE appointment)

LUCA School of Arts

Main location: Sint-Lukas Brussel campus


Information on the job assignment

Your assignment consists of providing academic art education, mentoring assignments, artistically-oriented scientific research, and social services. In addition to the academic duties, you may also be assigned organisational, coordinative or administrative tasks.

Your teaching assignment will partially consist of mentoring students with theses or dissertations. Your specific teaching tasks will mainly consist of the following tasks:

Developing and teaching a Studio Practice course for 3BA students of the option Film (first semester, 9 SP). This should be a practice oriented course with focus on the expanded field of Audiovisual Arts, non-lineair narratives and/or non-narrative film. This course also functions as a springboard for the students’ Bachelor Film Project;
Playing a leading role in the coordination of the Bachelor’s Film Project, in collaboration with colleagues;
Mentoring students in the Master of Audiovisual Arts for their dissertation and/or Graduate Film Project.

The research assignment consists of the development of or collaboration within a research cluster within the domain of the Audiovisual Arts, focused on the campus' research domains. To this end, you will focus on supervising doctorate programmes, postdoctoral programmes and raising external project funding. You will develop a research line by setting up projects in (at least) one of the following key domains of research on the campus: intermediality, transhistoricity and narrativity. This artistic research should focus on future directions of Audiovisual Arts, and be open for collaboration and crossovers with other (Audio)Visual Arts.

For further description and relevant information about LUCA, responsibilities, required candidate profile, job offer and contact/application information, please download the full job description in attachment.