Ryerson University, FCAD, Canada – Two Limited Term Faculty positions: Film Studies and Photography Studies

Ryerson University, CANADA

School of Image Arts, Faculty of Communication and Design

Posted: March 23, 2016
Deadline to Apply: Thursday, April 7, 2016

Two Limited Term Faculty positions: Film Studies (1) and Photography Studies (1)

The School of Image Arts (https://www.imagearts.ryerson.ca/) in the Faculty of Communication and Design invites applications for two one-year Limited Term Faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor effective August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2017. These positions are subject to final budgetary approval. The deadline for completed applications is April 7th, 2016.

The position in Film Studies requires expertise in Film history and theory and related studies. The position in Photography Studies requires expertise in Photography history and theory and related studies.

Successful candidates will provide evidence of high-quality teaching in both large lecture courses and smaller seminar or workshop contexts, and demonstrate a capacity for collegial service. Both positions only have teaching and service obligations.

A PhD. in a relevant discipline is preferred, but candidates with an MA or MFA with a strong professional practice and teaching experience will also be considered. Candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to upholding the values of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as it pertains to teaching and service.

Please include a letter of application; curriculum vitae; the names of 3 referees; results of teaching surveys (or equivalent evidence, such as a teaching dossier); and relevant service experience in an academic context by Friday, April 7, 2016 via the Faculty Recruitment Portal, which can be found at the following website:https://hr.cf.ryerson.ca/ams/faculty/ . Please indicate in your application whether you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. Files cannot be larger than 5MB. If you have issues with the portal, please contact Hilary Adams, Human Resources Consultant via email h6adams@ryerson.ca. Confidential inquiries should be made via email to Jean Bruce, PhD. Interim Chair, School of Image Arts jbruce@ryerson.ca.

This position falls under the jurisdiction of the Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA). The RFA collective agreement can be viewed at:https://www.ryerson.ca/teaching/agreements/rfa_agreement/index.html. The RFA’s website can be found at: https://www.rfanet.ca. A summary of RFA benefits can be found at:https://ryerson.ca/hr/benefits/benefits_by_group/rfa/index.html.