Basic Facts
Year of Foundation:
Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:
Year of Receiving Last State Accreditation:
Agency (-ies) Who Awarded the State Accreditation:
Dipartimento Federale dell'economia
Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):
Marco Poloni
Via Franchino Rusca 1, 6600 Locarno
Points of Contact
CILECT Contact Person:Director: Marco PoloniEmail:marco.poloni@cisaonline.chCILECT Contact Person:Head of Administration: Daniela
Mission & Strategy
The CISA (International Academy of Audiovisual Sciences) is a Specialized High School in Cinema and Audiovisual Media, helping young people to reach a level of excellence and leading them towards employment.
Our establishment supplies a creative context by entwining the constituting elements of artistic expression and professional reality at an international level.
The three-years course begins with two years of preparatory curriculum dedicated to the study of image as an experience and project; it ends with a third year dedicated to the acquisition and consolidation of specific skills required to embark on a professional career and to respond to market’s requirements.