Basic Facts
Year of Foundation:
Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:
Year of Receiving Last State Accreditation:
Agency (-ies) Who Awarded the State Accreditation:
Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):
Nadja Radojevic
Schanzenstr. 28, 51063 Cologne
Points of Contact
CILECT Contact Person:Chief Executive Director: Nadja RadojevicEmail:n.radojevic@filmschule.deCILECT Contact Person:Festival Coordination: Monika BremenEmail:m.bremen@filmschule.deCILECT Contact Person:International Affairs: Nina Mö
Mission & Strategy
The ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln is a full study and professional training institution with an artistic-scientific focus serving aspiring media professionals. On the initiative of the NRW state government and the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, the school was founded in 2000 as a non-profit company, the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW being the sole principal partner of the ifs.
The ifs is consistently ranked as one of the best film schools in Germany, based on its outstanding student support, excellent teaching and project work, and active festival participation, including a Student Academy Award.
The ifs portfolio covers the Bachelor’s programme in Film with different specialisations, as well as Master’s programmes in 3D Animation for Film & Games, Digital Narratives, Entertainment Producing, Film and Serial Storytelling. The study programmes are carried out in cooperation with the TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences.
In addition, there are several professional training programmes for media professionals, including the unique European Showrunner Programme.
The courage and will to promote ongoing development and change is what distinguishes the ifs. The school enjoys a constant flow of impulses and inspiration through its close collaborations in all the fields of the audiovisual landscape. The primary focus lies on the media developments and innovations of the future.
The school is a member of CILECT as well as the International Association of Film and Television Schools. It cultivates partnerships with a global network of film schools and universities.
The ifs in a nutshell
- innovative media education that reflects current developments and their aesthetic and cultural potential
- individual and intensive support through small groups of students and a 2-year programme cycle
- excellent teaching by renowned national and international filmmakers and academics as professors and lecturers
- network building during studies through a strong practical orientation and numerous contacts in the media sector
- professional teamwork through a combination of vocational specialisation and interdisciplinary cooperation
- intercultural experience through international cooperations with film schools around the world
Degree Areas
BA Film (Specialisation in: Creative Producing, Directing, Director of Photography, Editing Picture & Sound, Production Design, Screenwriting, or VFX & Animation)
Degree Awarded
B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)
Training Type
Tuition Fees
1,750 Euro
1,750 Euro
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
approx. 70
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
Recognized Prior Expertise
No information
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Student Practical Work Obligations
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
MA 3D Animation for Film & Games
Degree Awarded
M.A. (Master of Arts)
Training Type
Tuition Fees
1,500 Euro
2,500 Euro
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
approx. 6-24
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
Recognized Prior Expertise
No information
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Student Practical Work Obligations
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
MA Digital Narratives
Degree Awarded
M.A. (Master of Arts)
Training Type
Tuition Fees
2,750 Euro
3,750 Euro
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
approx. 12
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
Recognized Prior Expertise
No information
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Student Practical Work Obligations
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
MA Entertainment Producing
Degree Awarded
M.A. (Master of Arts)
Training Type
Tuition Fees
2,750 Euro
3,750 Euro
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
approx. 14
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
Recognized Prior Expertise
No information
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Student Practical Work Obligations
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
MA Serial Storytelling
Degree Awarded
M.A. (Master of Arts)
Training Type
Tuition Fees
2,750 Euro
3,750 Euro
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
approx. 16
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
Recognized Prior Expertise
No information
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Englisch & German
Student Practical Work Obligations
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
Key Teaching Staff

André Bendocchi-Alves
Sound Designer and Editor a. o. DER HAUPTMANN (German Film Award »Best Sound Design«, European Film Award as »European Sound Designer«), FRATRICIDE (Silver Leopard Film Award Locarno)

Ciro Cappellari
Author, Director, DoP a. o. ABDULLA IBRAHIM: A STRUGGLE FOR LOVE (Adolf Grimme Award), SCHWARZFAHRER (Oscar®)

Dr. Frédéric Dubois
Author, Producer, Journalist and Scholar specialized in digital media; award-winning interactive narratives such as ATTERWASCH and FIELD TRIP

Dr. Gundolf S. Freyermuth
Media Scientist and Journalist; Co-Founder of Cologne Game Lab of University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Chairman Program Board CLASH OF REALITIES

Dr. Joachim Friedmann
Screenwriter a. o. IN ALLER FREUNDSCHAFT (Bambi Audience Award) and LINDENSTRAßE (Golden Camera, Grimme Award)

Katalin Gödrös
Director a. o. MUTANTEN (a. o. Berlinale) as well as SONGS OF LOVE AND HATE (Internationalen Wettbewerb Locarno)

Uli Hanisch
Production Design for a. o. THE QUEENS GAMBIT (Golden Globe) and BABYLON BERLIN (a. o. German Television Award – Beste Ausstattung)

Barbara Hennings
Honorary Professor, Editor, a. o. AIMÈE & JAGUAR, DAS SCHRECKLICHE MÄDCHEN; Awarded the »Geißendörfer Ehrenpreis für Schnitt« for Lifetime Achievement

Dr. Bettina Henzler
Film scholar, habilitated in film studies and aesthetic education. Author of »Filmästhetik und Vermittlung« and »Filmische Kindheitsfiguren«.

Peter Herrmann
Produzent a.o. NIRGENDWO IN AFRIKA (u.a. Oscar® – Bester fremdsprachiger Film, Deutscher Filmpreis – Bester Spielfilm), DIE WÜSTENBLUME (Bayerischer Filmpreis)

Uwe Kersken
Honorary Professor, Producer, Author and Director; Co-Founder Gruppe 5 Filmproduction (until 2015 CEO), numerous documentary primetime formats, a. o. THE FORGOTTEN ISLAND (BBC, WDR, arte), AMERICA BEFORE COLUMBUS (Nat.Geo. US, ZDF), sinde 20214, initiator and producer of drama projects for G5fiction and Partner, such as DUELL DER BRÜDER (RTL), GOLDJUNGS (Das Erste), THE WORLD IN 50 YEARS (Discovery US, Science Channel, ZDF,NHK, arte)

Jennifer Mival
Content Executive, late at Netflix; Formats a. o. FRANK ELSTNER: WETTEN, DAS WAR’S (Nomination German Academy of Television Award, ANGRY CARPENTER (Kristallen Award), YOUR FACE OR MINE (Rose D’Or)

Rolf Mütze
Visual Artist and CG/VFX Supervisor of a. o. LIEBER THOMAS (German Film Award)

Ruth Olshan
Director and Screenwriter; Co-Author a. o. AUFBRUCH IN DIE FREIHEIT (Deutscher Fernsehpreis, Goldene Kamera)

Jutta Pohlmann
DoP a. o. HÖHENSTRASSE (Nominierung ROMY – Beste Bildgestaltung TV), WAS NÜTZT DIE LIEBE IN GEDANKEN (Nominierung Dt. Kamerapreis), ENGLAND! (Kamerapreis der dt. Filmkritik)

Hajo Schomerus
DoP a. o. DER AST AUF DEM ICH SITZE (Grimme Award), IM HAUS MEINES VATERS SIND VIELE WOHNUNGEN (German Film Critics Award – Best Documentary Film)

Sebastian Soukup
Production Designer and Film Architect; Nomination German Film Academy Award – Best Production Design for »Der vermessene Mensch« (2023) and »Narziss und Goldmund« (2020)

Lena Thiele
Author and Creative Director Miiqo Studios UG; a. o. Webseries NETWARS – OUT OF CTRL (SXSW Interaction Innovation Award, Grimme Online Award)

Magnus Vattrodt
Screenwriter a.o. DIE WANNSEEKONFERENZ (Civis Media Award, German Television Award – Best Screenplay, Romy – Best Screenplay TV), EIN GROSSER AUFBRUCH (German Television Award – Best Screenplay, Screenplay Award of the German Academy for Television)

Sophia Zauner
Animator, Character Technical Director, CG Supervisor, a. o. DIE HÄSCHENSCHULE 2, TRIP TO THE MOON
Successful Graduates
Andernach, Melanie
Sieben Winter in Teheran | Vergiss Meyn Nicht | Gobal Family
Backmann, Matthias
Code 7500 | Mujlan | Kleo | Ich bin Dagobert | A Thin Line
Bernardi, Sabine
Ku’damm 63 | Die Mutigen 56 – Deutschlands längster Streik | Tatort – Love Is Pain
Blondiau, Eva
A Room Of My Own | Langes Echo | End Of Season
Bogenberger, Lilly
Wer ohne Schuld ist | So laut du kannst | Flügel aus Beton
Bräunlich, Benjamin
Toter Winkel | Im Netz der Camorra | Ein Hauch von Amerika
Buff, Holger
Drei Frauen – Ein Krieg | Seneca – On The Creation Of Earthquakes
Dörffler, Friederike
Mordschwestern | Nord, Nord, Mord | Wolfsland
Frey, Mats
King Of Stonks | How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) | Tschugger
Furrer, Peter
How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) | Bonn – Alte Freunde, Neue Feinde
Hagl, Sven
Blood And Gold | Seneca – On The Creation Of Earthquakes
Höhnerbach, Yana
Drei Frauen – Ein Krieg | Bruder Jakob | Searching Eva
Jarosch, Alexander
Bullet Train | Avatar 2 – The Way Of Water | Planet der Affen – New Kingdom
Kaci, Karin
Geborgtes Weiß | Freibad | Der Fall Marianne Voss
Kinne, Christina Xaosprincess
Xaos’ Lockdown Dance Party | XR Bavaria Watch Party | Quantum Bar
Klier, Julia
Letzte Spur Berlin – Rückfall | Semis Spur
Lima Dehne, Juliana
Maxton Hall – Die Welt zwischen uns | 1899
Lucas, Helena
Vier Wände Plus | Start The Fck Up
Lukovic, Ljubica
How I Learned To Fly | Awake (Kljun)
Luna, Alexander
Life And Death At Palcacocha Lake | Guardians Of The Water
Mathieu, Christoph
Club der Dinosaurier | Der Pfau | Ein Hauch von Amerika
Meiendresch, Marvin
In aller Freundschaft – Die jungen Ärzte
Nissing, Nils
Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13 | The Dive | Davos | Stella.A.Life
Olderdissen, Hanno
Lassie – Ein Abenteuer | Lassie – Eine abenteuerliche Reise | Höllgrund
Pusch, Jan Henrik
Homeshopper’s Paradise | Luis van Beethoven | Marie Brand und die Liebe zu Viert
Quijada, Loreto
Objects | Aus-Länder
Rolfes, Charlotte
Tatort – Pyramide | Wer wir sind | Frau Jordan stellt gleich
Schröder, Sandra
Als Bestie bin ich aufgewacht | Like A Loser
Schweigardt, Nadine
Der Masuren-Krimi – Die verlorene Tochter | Der Alte und die Nervensäge
Seeberger, Lucas
Das Boot | Der Greif | Der Pass | Barbaren
Sehr, Markus
Harter Brocken | Mord mit Aussicht | Dinner For Five
Stampa, Timo
Die Chaosschwestern und Pinguin Paul | Kleo | Stitch Head | Der Rebell – Von Leimen nach Wimbledon
Stephan, Sabine Sina
Trübe Wolken | Start The Fck Up | Kroymann
Thomas, Natalie
Pauline | How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) | Buba
Unterburger, Maren
German Genius | Malibu | Das Märchen vom goldenen Taler