Basic Facts
Year of Foundation:
Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:
Year of Receiving Last State Accreditation:
Agency (-ies) Who Awarded the State Accreditation:
Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):
Prof. Dr. Liviu Lucaci
75-77, Matei Voievod street, 2nd Sector, Bucharest
Points of Contact
CILECT Contact Person:Rector: Prof. Dr. Liviu LucaciEmail:rector@unatc.roCILECT Contact Person:President of the Senate: Prof. Dr. Doru NitescuEmail:doru.nitescu@unatc.roCILECT Contact Person:Vice Rector International Relations Prof. Dr. Alexandru SterianEmail:alex.sterian@unatc.roCILECT Contact Person:Dean Film Faculty: Dr. Vlad IoachimescuEmail:vlad.ioachimescu@unatc.roCILECT Contact Person:Film International Relations Office: Andrei RautuEmail:film.festivals@unatc.roCILECT Contact Person:Erasmus+ Office: Raluca /
Mission & Strategy
UNATC assumes as fundamental mission:
1) The training of specialists in the field of performing arts and film and related areas (media, multimedia, artistic and cultural marketing and management, artistic pedagogy) at BA, MA and doctoral level, as research university for advanced / artistic creation and education in artistic and professional excellence profile;
2) Promoting the spirit of innovation and excellence, critical thinking and creativity through individual and collective artistic creation, through scientific research and exploitation and dissemination of results in national and international context;
3) The protection of cultural identity, promoting and supporting the diversity of forms of expression and creative content;
4) The protection of academic democratic framework, based on respect for fundamental rights and freedoms;
5) The active citizen participation in society, promoting social inclusion and entrepreneurship for good relations with the labor market.
UNATC assumes its role as national cultural center that contributes to the formation, development, transmission and dissemination of cultural values, and represents a benchmark for the art and culture of our country, a generator of artistic and cultural events.
Successful Graduates
Cristian Mungiu
Winner of Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival
Calin Peter Netzer
Winner of Golden Bear at Berlin Film Festival
Adina Pintilie
Winner of Golden Bear at Berlin Film Festival
Dana Bunescu
Winner of Silver Bear at Berlin Film Festival
Mihai Malaimare jr.
Working with Francis Ford Coppola.
Worked with Paul Thomas Anderson for the film The Master.
Corneliu Porumboiu
Winner Golden Camera and Un Certain Regard Jury Prize – Cannes Film Festival