Basic Facts
Year of Foundation:
Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:
Year of Receiving Last State Accreditation:
Agency (-ies) Who Awarded the State Accreditation:
Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):
Prof. Yekaterina Sazonova
Pravda Street, 13, St.Petersburg, 191119
Points of Contact
CILECT Contact Person:Rector: Prof. Yekaterina SazonovaEmail:rektorat@spbgikit.ruCILECT Contact Person:Head of Int’l Relations: Markaryan
Mission & Strategy
The mission of the University is to prepare qualified personnel within the sphere of cinematography, television and related artistic and cultural areas to ensure that they are familiar with established world standards and are prepared for international labour market demands. Additionally, the goal of supporting and leading innovative developments within the film industry, related enterprises and organisations to further the development of an integrated information strategy within Russia is a key objective of the university.