University Film and Video Association (UFVA)

University Film and Video Association (UFVA)

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  • Basic Facts
  • Mission & Strategy
  • Degree Areas
  • Key Teaching Staff
  • Successful Graduates

Basic Facts

  • Year of Foundation:


  • Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:


  • Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):

    Terésa Dowell-Vest

  • Country:

    United States

  • Website:

  • Points of Contact

    CILECT Contact Person:
    Terésa Dowell‑Vest
    CILECT Contact Person:
    Heather Addison
    CILECT Contact Person:
    Andrea Meyer

Mission & Strategy

1. To further and develop the potentialities of the motion picture and television media for purposes of instruction and communication throughout the world;
2. To encourage film and video production at the various educational institutions;
3. To encourage and assist those members in recognized educational institutions engaged in the teaching of the arts and sciences of motion picture and television production techniques, history, criticism and related subjects;
4. To serve as a central source of information on film and video instruction and production by educational institutions;
5. To provide means for the sharing of ideas on the various activities involved in teaching film and video courses and in the production and distribution of motion pictures and other recorded materials;
6. To do everything and anything reasonably or lawfully necessary, proper or advisable for the attainment of the above purposes or for any of them or for the furtherance of any or all such purposes.

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