For the last 12 years, the Mobile Film Festival aims to detect and support talented directors based on a very simple principle « 1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film ». Today, we are very pleased to announce the launch of our 12th edition. The international call for films is open until January, 3rd on
The rules remain the same : 1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film and there is no theme so we are expecting to receive very creative films of high quality from all over the world. Directors will be able to submit their film in the language of their choice as all the selected films will be subtitle in the native language, French and English thanks to our partner
Two grants of 15,000€ both dedicated to the production of a film within a year with the help of a producer will be awarded to the Best International Short Film and the Best French Short Film, as well as two screenwriting grants of 3,000€ each to the Best Director Award and Best Screenplay Award. The prizes will be awarded in Paris during our Prize Ceremony that will be held on February 28th with many guests as well our beautiful jury in attendance : Emmanuelle Bercot, Kim Chapiro, Emilie Dequenne, Maïmouna Doucouré, Julie Gayet, Laurent Grégoire, Jalil Lespert and Aïssa Maïga.
Submit your film before January 3rd, 2017 on www.mobilefilmfestival .com !