PEERS is a new pre-PhD programme of the Department of Performing Arts and Film at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Its main aim is to support emerging artistic researchers who are interested in pursuing a doctorate in the arts, foremost yet not exclusively in the performing arts and film. For a period of one year, starting in March 2021, participants will be offered the opportunity to benefit from an intensive mentoring and training programme. They will become part of the vibrant research environment at ZHdK (such as lab-practice, colloquia, symposia, research academy), and will gain access to the University's outstanding infrastructure and relevant professional networks. Participants will also benefit from peer-to-peer learning in the Junior Research Group and will receive tailored support aimed at promoting their individual development. They will be assisted in developing their individual research plan, as well as in searching and applying for artistic PhD programmes at ZHdK and beyond.
For more information and a schedule of activities:
How to apply
We are looking for five mid-career artists with profound artistic practice in theatre, dance, performance or film. Candidates must hold an MA or an equivalent degree. They will be expected to develop research and peer learning methodologies, as well as have a viable research plan.
Applications may be submitted in English or German. Zurich University of the Arts is committed to equal opportunities and to advancing inclusion and diversity.
Application deadline: 15. December 2020 (5 pm Swiss local time). Please submit your application as a single PDF file to:
Candidates will be informed by the end of December 2020 whether they have been shortlisted for the PEERSprogramme. The shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a Zoom interview on either 11 or 21 January 2021. The programme will begin in March 2021 (detailed schedule:
Zoom Q&A: Friday, 6 November 2020, 12–1.30 pm and Monday, 9 November, 4–5.30 pm (Swiss local time): Candidates will have the opportunity to discuss their questions directly with Yvonne Schmidt, PEERSprogramme director. To register and receive the Zoom link, please e-mail
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