3 Genre:
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23' Country:
Colombia About
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Magdalena goes out everyday to a flower plantation (Cota, Cundinamarca, Colombia), where she dedicates her day to protect and cut flowers. On sunrise, Jorge is already in the Paloquemao market (Bogotá) selling his flowers, offering them as “export quality”, while in the crops the national flower, the same that Jorge sells, is rejected by Ruby due to plant deseases and bad conditions. Settled apart, in a corner, and without any care, the national flower waits for being bought in “leftovers” price, while the healthy flower is prepared to have an unforgettable trip in plane to far lands. That’s how 7 days warranty documents the flower-growing process in Cundinamarca (Colombia), starting from the sowing to the commercialization, and following the point of view of flowers themselves.
Screenwriter:Tania Infante Antivar, Astrid Ginet Useche
Director:Tania Infante Antivar
Producer:Tania Infante Antivar
DOP:Astrid Ginet Useche
Sound:Alejandra Flórez
Editor:Tania Infante Antivar
Production Designer:n/a