10 Genre:
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The film tells about a dance form called Kambad, practiced by the Thakkar tribe in and around Maharashtra. This dance is not just a form of entertainment but a daily routine for the people. Because of globalization and its effects, In the Adivasi village of uddawane, the dance form's existence is facing a threat from many such factors. Catching up with the modern times means dying a slow death for the dance form. We meet with the core members of the dance troop to know about the origins, the meaning, and the relevance of kambad in their daily life in these times.
Screenwriter:Gulson G Nayak
Director:Gulson G Nayak
Producer:Bhupendra Kainthola
DOP:Sikher pal
Sound:Dhrubaraj Boro
Editor:Dhanesh Gopal
Production Designer:n/a