5 Genre:
Animation Length:
11' Country:
Ghana About
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Panga, the bird with silky voice, is the envy of the forest due to its voice. Akoo, a fellow bird with radiant plumage, got jealous of Panga and connives with the Sorcerer just to tarnish the image of Panga. The Sorcerer managed to persuade Panga to exchange his voice for the radiant plumage, which eventually leads to his shame.
Screenwriter:Mark Adjei Kwarteng
Director:Mark Adjei Kwarteng
Producer:National Film And Television Institute (NAFTI)
Animation:Mark Adjei Kwarteng
DOP:Mark Adjei Kwarteng
Sound:Eyram Ahiribi
Editor:Mark Adjei Kwarteng
Production Designer:n/a