Dear Directors of European film schools, Dear Friends,
As You’re all aware the situation in Ukraine is disastrous and dramatic. Since February 24th over 2 million Ukrainians (mostly women and children) came to Poland fleeing the horrors of war. Among them there are also students whom Polish universities and academies trying to help to continue their education. Every day we’re receiving requests, mostly from students from Kyiv National I.K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television Univeristy, about the possibilities of enrolling into our School or just have a chance to act as a non-collegiate, to be a part of a film community. We’re trying to admit as many people as possible but our capabilities are limited. That’s why we’d like to ask you if you have a chance to help those students too. If yes, please contact me directly at my email:, stating:
1) how many students you are able to admit and on what terms:
– collegiate or non-collegiate
– which faculty
2) what are the language requirements,
3) can you offer an accommodation (i.e. students’ dormitory),
4) can you offer a scholarship
We will collect all your propositions and pass them to those students putting them in contact with you.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards,
Marcin Malatyński
Deputy Director and Head of Int’l Relations
The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Lodz, Poland