The Master Programme New Performative Practices
Last day of application, 1 February 2017. Application opens 1 December 2016.
The Master Programme New Performative Practices is aimed at experienced, practicing performers from diverse fields. Performing artists are given context and support to engage with their own performative practices as well as tools to further their research.
The programme comprises two years of advanced studies. It is research preparatory, which qualifies the student for a Master of Fine Arts in Choreography, with a specialisation in Performative Practices.
The Master Programme New Performative Practices is a road to deepened and expanded knowledge. Physical, live-performance practices are studied for the development of new relationships to audience, new perceptions of the performer's role in society and a critical, ethically viable relationship to the continuous unfolding of live performance. The individual artist's development of a personally sustainable practice is placed in dynamic relation to society's demands, understanding and respect for artistic practice.
Artistic development demands the ability to constructively question established methods. New Performative Practices gives space to art that challenges the commonplace.
During 2015/2016 the students met, amongst others, Erik Berg, Frank Bock, Anne Christine Bjork, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Katye Coe, Sara Bogstrom, Camilla Damkjaer, Anna Effraimsson, Anna Petronella Foultier, Fredéric Gies, Lena Hammergren, Martin Hargreaves, Pavle Heidler, Rebecca Hilton, Rolf Hughes, Janez Jansa, Linn Hilda Lamberg, André Lepecki, Joakim Mansfeld, Juliette Mapp, Arantxa Martinez, Sam Meech, Chrysa Parkinson, Susan Rethorst, Cecilia Roos, Kerstin Schroth, Bogdan Szyber, Ingrid Redbark Wallander, Tilman Wolfgang, Partriez Van der Wiez, John-Paul Zaccharini.
Education startdate: 28 August 2017
Education scope: 120 credits, 4 terms, full time studies
Teaching language: English
Study location: Stockholm
Study pace: Full time
If you have questions regarding the content of the programme, please contact: Chrysa Parkinson, Professor of Dance and Head of the Master Programme.
If you have questions regarding the entry requirements, application process, tuition fees and/or scholarships, please contact:
Education administration offices
Phone: +46 8 494 00 850