The Documentary Outreach Program

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Documentary Outreach Program Information

The Documentary Outreach is a month-long travel course with a focus on nonfiction mediamaking that is collaborative and impact-driven. Students learn how to produce a short documentary film entirely on location while telling stories about local changemakers. In 2023, we are leading Documentary Outreaches in Guatemala (June/July) and Ghana (July/August). Students can choose to earn internship or independent study credit through participation in the trip.

All the details about these trips are at


Citizen Storyteller Scholarship Information

The Citizen Storyteller Scholarship is a $1000 award for University students and recent graduates who demonstrate passion, initiative and aptitude for impact-driven documentary storytelling. The scholarship can be used to help fund participation in any Actuality Abroad Documentary Outreach program. To apply, students submit a scholarship application on the Actuality Abroad website that includes (1) a written or video personal statement about their interest in documentary storytelling, (2) links to a reel, portfolio or past nonfiction work examples, and (3) an educational/professional resume. The deadline to apply for 2023 funding is March 15th 2023.

All the details about the scholarship are at

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