The Student Film Bus – TAU, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL (21-29 May 2015)

The Student Film Bus, TAU, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL (21-29 May 2015)

The Student Film Bus Project is a highly successful event happening in the framework of the Int’l Student Film Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel. It is a one week journey of 40 students from several CILECT schools who tour around Israel with a special bus, equipped with a huge screen, a projector and a sound system. Each evening the bus stops in a different location and the students screen their films to the local audience in an outdoor venue.

The project reaches out particularly to outlying towns and communities, the screened films are adapted to the local communities in terms of themes, language and translation. Throughout the week, the students go through professional master classes with local and international personas of the film industry, economy and social rights. Finally, each student creates a short documentary of the journey, from his point of view, to screen and promote the project in his local community.