Train-the-Trainers Workshop
Train-the-Trainers Workshop (TtT) is a 2 day intensive course on engagement methods in entrepreneurship and management literacy in the areas of film and other creative media. TtT Workshop is ideal for teachers working in different subjects of film, arts, design, animation and other media courses. Teachers in management as an elective discipline in creative media courses are also welcome.
Come try the Cinema and Industry Alliance for Knowledge and Learning II Course Toolkit and learn to help students develop entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial skills and competences!
TtT Workshop is part of the Creativity Meets Business 2015 Conference:
Registration is limited. Apply here by 30 October:
Notifications will be sent to applicants by 1 November.
For more information write to: or
Day 1 – 24 November
15:00-15:45 Keynote speaker: Simone Stewens (ifs)
What competences should we give our students for the current film environment?
16:00-18:00 State of mind: Understanding the film and creative media student – Pandora Cunha Teles (Ukbar) Manuel José Damásio (ULusófona)
Why entrepreneurship and management are relevant
Day 2 – 25 November
9:30-12:30 Presentation of the CIAKL II Course Toolkit – Thorsten Kliewe, Arno Meerman (MUAS)
How to teach the course and engage the students
Pedagogical course/methods
12:30-13:30 Visit to ifs studios
14:30-15:30 The global stage: Broaden your horizons – Nuno Cintra Torres (ULusófona)
Current technologies, audiences and current business models
15:30-16:15 Keynote speaker: Nuno Gonçalves (Cinemundo)
Buying, Selling and Co-Producing Contents for Multiplatform Distribution
16:30-17:30 Breaking barriers: The money question – Pandora Cunha Teles (Ukbar) Manuel José Damásio (ULusófona)
Talking the grey suits and raising finance