Financial Support Rules 2023-2024


are events that are initiated by and held at CILECT Full Member schools and provide new knowledge and/or practical experience of pedagogical/research methodologies and/or teaching tools for CILECT teachers (i.e. conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia, etc.).

A Full Member school may NOT use such a grant more than once in the biennial period. The support may ONLY cover the travel costs and/or hotel accommodation of the invited guest lecturer(s). Guest lecturers may NOT be teachers from the schools of the region in which the event is held. The support may NOT exceed 50% of the total budget of the event. CILECT may allocate financial support of maximum 7 000 Euro per project. The final decision rests with the CILECT Executive Council.


is intended to support teachers from Full Member schools who wish to participate in CILECT recognized events that happen at Full Member schools in a CILECT region different from theirs. The total amount of waivers is up to 5 000 Euro per event. The program works in three steps:

  • Step 1: Before the event starts the host school announces its desire to invite teachers from other CILECT regions.
  • Step 2: Teachers who wish to participate in the event apply to the Executive Director for fee- waivers. Each Full Member school may receive only one fee waiver per one event, on the “first come – first serve” basis.
  • Step 3: After the event is over the host school presents to the Executive Director a content and financial report (including the list of actual participants) and gets the respective reimbursement of fee waivers (provided the documents are accurate).


are international collaboration projects of Full Member schools, which focus on innovative teaching and/or learning experiences. PILOTS will only support jointly developed (by at least three schools) pedagogical initiatives that:

  • Introduce new methods of teaching and learning and test them empirically
  • Introduce new approaches to curriculum and interdisciplinary experiments
  • Imply some sort of mobility
  • Integrate a strong practice-based and artistic driven component
  • Foster ethical values regarding the use of educational technologies and data
  • Contribute to increasing synergies and complementarity between CILECT initiatives
  • Build on sustainable structures that could minimize consequences of force majeure circumstances
  • Involve at least 75% teachers (100% of whom should work on tenure positions in the respective schools) and not more than 25% students (100% of whom should be properly registered in their respective schools and involved in degrees awarded by these schools)

A Full Member school may NOT use such a grant more than once in the biennial period. Applicants should specify the overall funding acquired and the added value CILECT funding represents (One expense can only be considered under one source of funding). The support may NOT exceed 50% of the total budget of the PILOTS project. CILECT may allocate financial support of a maximum of 7,000 Euro per project. The final decision rests with the CILECT Executive Council.


All requests for support should be addressed to the CILECT Executive Director Prof. Dr. Stanislav Semerdjiev by  e-mail at: no later than 45 days BEFORE the intended starting date of the event.