Knowledge Links

Screenonline is the excellent British Film Institute website on British cinema and television history, and it has a specific section on education and on editing, with very didactic videos explaining basic editing notions.

David Bordwell’s blog is constantly updated and has some great analysis of editing techniques and trends, expanding on notions introduced and explored by him in his books.

Very useful website by Gael Chandler, author of Cut by Cut and Film Editing: Great Cuts Every Filmmaker and Movie Lover Must Know, with glossaries, syllabus for two different editing courses, analysis of types of cuts and much more.

The Education & Outreach section of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has a teacher’s guide on film editing which can be quite useful.

The Yale Film Analysis Web Site has a useful and well-illustrated section on film editing.

Access to the magazines edited by the Editors Guild (Cine Montage, Editors Guild), with excellent interviews with professional editors and many other useful articles.

The National Film Preservation Foundation is the nonprofit organization created by the U.S. Congress to help save America’s film heritage. Their available “Lost and Found” footage could be used in the classroom for editing exercises.

Think, Educate, Share requires free membership and offers teaching aid and material on a vast number of subjects, including film editing.

Websites about specific editing software, quite useful for tutorials, discussion groups, and trouble-shooting.