Basic Facts
Year of Foundation:
Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:
Year of Receiving Last State Accreditation:
Agency (-ies) Who Awarded the State Accreditation:
Y.O.K. Higher Council of Education
Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar
06800 Bilkent - Ankara
Points of Contact
CILECT Contact Person:Chair Department of Communication and Design: Vis. Asst. Prof. Andreas Treske
Mission & Strategy
Since 1998, the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University has been a leader in media and design education in Turkey. With faculty that reflect an intrinsically interdisciplinary field, COMD trains undergraduate and graduate students for a range of careers in the creative and cultural sectors with a broad foundation in the social sciences, humanities, and the arts. Our departmental philosophy rests on stimulating collaboration and promoting cross-cutting dialogues that demonstrate our commitment to innovation and scholarship through academic research and applied projects.
Our mission in COMD is to train the next generation of knowledgeable and responsible media professionals and scholars. We foster curiosity, creativity, and critical reflection through a curriculum that integrates research and practice.
Key Teaching Staff
Bülent Çaplı
Demirkirat: Bir Demokrasinin Dogusu
(1991), Documentary, Director
Yusuf Akcura
Ufuk Önen
Black Not Gray – Ankara Rocks (2017), Documentary, Director
Fulten Larlar
Colleen Kennedy-Carpat
Northeast Modern Language Association Book Award for Rogues, Romance, and Exoticism in French Cinema of the 1930s (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2013), Adaptation, Awards Culture, and the Value of Prestige, co-edited with Eric Sandberg (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), “Self-Adaptation and Transnationality in Marjane Satrapi’s Poulet aux prunes (2011),” Adaptation 8.1 (2015): 68-88.
Andreas Treske
Takım Böyle Tutulu, (2005), Documentary, Director
Mustafa, (2008), Documentary, Editor
Video Theory published by Transcript Verlag and Columbia University in 2015, 2017 Russian Translation
Ahmet Gürata
Ahmet Gürata serves on the editorial boards of sinecine: journal of film studies and Kebikeç. He has served on several film festival juries and is currently an advisor for Festival on Wheels. He is a member of Turkish Association of Documentary Filmmakers and Turkish Film Critics Association. Has won Turkish Academy of Sciences’ Honorable Mention Award for his translation of A Short Guide to Writing About Film (Timothy J.Corrigan) ın 2009.