Basic Facts
Year of Foundation:
Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:
Year of Receiving Last State Accreditation:
Agency (-ies) Who Awarded the State Accreditation:
National: Consejo de Acreditación de la Comunicación y las Ciencias Sociales A.C. // International: AcreditAcción
Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):
Emilio José Baños Ardavín
Calle 21 Sur 1103, Barrio de Santiago, 72410. Heroico Puebla de Zaragoza, Pue
Points of Contact
CILECT Contact Person:Director: María Fernanda Herrera MoralesEmail:mariafernanda.herrera@upaep.mxCILECT Contact Person:Representative Contact: José Pablo Aguilar Garduñ
Mission & Strategy
The Historical Mission of the UPAEP “demands the rescue of the values and generic identity of the university institution for the current reality, as well as the training of social leaders.”
The Cultural Mission of the UPAEP “requires effectively contributing to the evangelization of culture and the creation of currents of thought such as center of study, research and dissemination, either because of the values and attitudes of the students who are trained there, or because of the proposal that produces in all fields of knowledge and human activity.”
The Pedagogical Mission of the UPAEP “calls for the truly comprehensive training of women and men, highly competent professionals and supportive.”
That is why we synthetically formulate the institutional purpose: “Create currents of thought and train leaders who transform the society, in the search for truth, integrating faith, science and life”.
The Mission of the Film and Audiovisual Production Degree trains graduates in film and audiovisual production who develop, produce, post-produce and disseminate cinematographic and audiovisual works, through the creation of integrative, reflective and investigative projects of the audiovisual discipline, for the search for significant and humanizing social change in those who make cinema.
Degree Areas
Film and audiovisual production / Cine y Producción Audiovisual / Bachelor's Degree in Film and Audiovisual Production
Degree Awarded
Training Type
Tuition Fees
€3,600 Euros per cycle
€3,600 Euros per cycle
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Until now, the film degree has had a total of 827 applicants, of which 330 have been women and 497 men.
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
At this moment we have a total of 203 students, of which 124 are men and 79 women.
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
Until now, the film degree has had a total of 422 students, of which 167 have been women and 255 men.
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
At this moment we have a total of 2 international students fully enrolled; 1 male from Colombia and 1 female from Ecuador
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
We have a total of 220 graduates of which 131 are male and 88 are female.
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
No information
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
Recognized Prior Expertise
No information
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Student Practical Work Obligations
Fiction Short Films (under 5 min.)
Fiction Short Films (5-15 min.)
Fiction Short Films (15-30 min)
Documentary Films (under 30 min)
Documentary Films (30-60 min)
Classic Animation Films
TV Series (Drama/Sitcom) Episodes
12 episodes of 3 series
Art Installations/Exibitions
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
No information
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Total in euros per year = €209,718
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
Key Teaching Staff
María Fernanda Herrera Morales
María Fernanda Herrera Morales graduated from the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla with a Bachelor’s degree in Film and Audiovisual Production and a Master’s degree in Direction and Marketing. The latter focusing on the understanding of the viewer, through the development and validation of an instrument for measuring the cognitive-affective attachment that viewers develop with fictional characters. Her work as a screenwriter has been awarded in a variety of national and international competitions and festivals, including: The Ibero-American Guion Residency, the Bolivia Lab, the International Film Festival of America, Shorts México, the Estímulo a la Innovation and artistic development by the IMACP, young creators through the Program to Stimulate Artistic Creation and Development, among others. She is currently the Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Film and Audiovisual Production, providing students with an updated perspective thanks to her active work as a screenwriter.
José Pablo Aguilar Garduño
Achievements:Graduate in Plastic Arts from the Institute of Visual Arts of the State of Puebla and Master in Design and Management in Virtual Education. Professor at UPAEP since 2008, in the degree of Film and Audiovisual Production In the field of Audio Production he has recorded and mixed more than 40 compact discs of all genres, and made countless advertising audio pieces for radio and audiovisual media since 1996. His fields of interest are the audio production and post-production for the media, radio production, music production and advertising voiceover.
María Elena Castillo Merino
Elena has the bachelor in Music and a master ́s Degree in Aesthetics and Art. Her artistic work has participated in various festivals within the country, as well as in Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru and the United States. Her sound works have been selected in Chile and Colombia to participate in two record productions. She was a PECDA scholarship winner in 2008 and 2018 with “Resonancias de las ojos mudecida” sound designs of the legends of Puebla and “Para Escucharte Mejor” sound ecology of the city of Puebla. She has made the Original Music, Sound Design and Post-Production of more than 20 stagings, 5 short films, 4 national feature films and 1 international film. She was selected in “Female Resonances: Contemporary Sound in Mexico”, and in the “13th International Radio Biennial”.
Successful Graduates
Adrián de Ita Sánchez
International Film Producer (USA, Costa Rica, México) for several firms and corporates.
Octavio Sánchez Avendaño
Huachicolero, Hasta los dientes, El baile de la gacela among others
José Luis Fernández Ojeda
2019 Diosa de Plata Award Nominated (México), for his short Dionisio Juglar.
Enrique Parada Centeno
Cygnus, La carga, Las Aparicio, Anadina, Revolver Mind and others.
Vianey Conde Salamanca
Sopladora de hojas, Los días más oscuros de nosotras, among others.
Rodrigo Durán Romero
Tangos, Tequilas y Algunas mentiras, los minutos negros, Art.19, among others.
Augusto García Jiménez
Desaparecido, Seize & Deliver, Above Us. AFI.