HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design

HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design

Visit Website
  • Basic Facts
  • Mission & Strategy
  • Degree Areas
  • Key Teaching Staff
  • Successful Graduates

Basic Facts

  • Year of Foundation:


  • Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):

    Klara Björk

  • Address:

    Visiting adress: Storgatan 43, 411 38 Göteborg, Mail adress: Valand Academy, Gothenburg University, Box 100, 405 30 Göteborg

  • Country:


  • Website:

  • Points of Contact

    CILECT Contact Person:
    Head of Department: Klara Björk
    CILECT Contact Person:
    Head MFA Film: Prof. Dr. Jyoti Mistry
    CILECT Contact Person:
    Head Unit for Film, Photography & Literary Composition Linda Sternö

Mission & Strategy

The Valand Academy of Arts at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is a centre for the development of the independent artist/ author/ film-maker/ photographer. We are especially interested in the agency of artists, and in artist-led cultures, across the space of contemporary art, cinema, literature, photographic and curatorial practices.

Based in the centre of the beautiful port city of Gothenburg, the Valand Academy is closely integrated into the city’s cultural life – including collaborations with Göteborgs Konsthall, Hasselblad Centre, Röda Sten, Gothenburg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA), Literature House, and many other public arts agencies.

Subject description – film:
Which pictures do you take, and which do you refrain from taking? What is your intention, and what choices do you make? What do you want to show, what do you have to share, what is it that only you can do?

To film is to record and then convey courses of events. Observation, representation, enactment are important factors. In order to develop that which is unique and personal we stimulate the students to relate to their subjective experience in relation to the surrounding world – through practical exercises as well as through oral and written reflections.

Reflections are exchanged through seminars and individual studio talks, through which the students develop their ability to speak about their own practice. Concepts like function, framing, rhythm, space and conception are central to the teaching.

The aim of the studies at Valand Academy is to develop methods for artistic representation, to facilitate new modes of filmic expression and to discover new public screening possibilities. We want to encourage our students to an inquisitive and critical approach to the conventions of film, and to explore and conquer an arena in which to work.

We actively acquaint ourselves with the technological development and its possibilities. The education is closely connected to the surrounding world, and contributes to changing the position of film in society through a regular participation in the public debate. In the work with the camera, as a tool, curating plays a central part.

Accessibility, equal treatment, and archive management are other issues that are present in our programmes. The film educations at Valand Academy is based on artistic practice and professional skills.

Text about the history of the film education:

Key Teaching Staff

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