Basic Facts
Year of Foundation:
Year of Receiving CILECT Full Membership:
Year of Receiving Last State Accreditation:
Agency (-ies) Who Awarded the State Accreditation:
Ministry of Education and Science
Name of Director (Rector, Dean, Head of School):
Elona Bajorinienė
Kosciuškos st. 10, Vilnius
Points of Contact
CILECT Contact Person:Dean: Elona BajorinienėEmail:elona.bajoriniene@lmta.ltCILECT Contact Person:Head of Film and TV department Giedrė BeinoriūtėEmail:Giedre.Beinoriute@lmta.ltCILECT Contact Person:International Projects Coordinator Giedrė Kabašinskienė
Mission & Strategy
The Film and TV Department, which is generally called the National Film School was founded in 1993 by the legendary documentary film director Henrikas Šablevičius whom students and colleagues called by the nickname Šoblė (Shoble). At the core of the School’s philosophy are Šablevičius’ personal values: professionalism, strong and vital artistic ideas, respect for good tradition, ability to express ideas in an exceptionally unique way and, to quote the great master, “to move forward without stopping at unnecessary and passing things”. Film and TV Department slogan TRADITION MEETS CREATIVITY & INNOVATION.
The complexity is at the heart of Film studies. Therefore a cluster of study programmes such as directing, cinematography, screenwriting, sound directing, film management, film study (theory) and acting are offered at the same time and the same study cycle. Multidisciplinarity is a characteristic feature that distinguishes the film and TV studies within the academic scope of the Academy. Students and teachers of the School cooperate with colleagues representing other art disciplines including music composition and performance, dance and drama. This continuous interaction naturally generates new and innovative ideas.
Degree Areas
Degree Awarded
Training Type
Tuition Fees
Tuition fee for one study year - 4795€ (2023 m); Free tuition for EU citizens and state-funded places
4795€ (Depending on the year of entry, prices may change)
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
47 (28/19)
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
84 (51/33)
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
14 (10/4)
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
No information
Recognized Prior Expertise
No information
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Student Practical Work Obligations
Fiction Short Films (under 5 min.)
Fiction Short Films (5-15 min.)
Documentary Films (under 30 min)
TV Shows (Reality, Game, Talk, Info, etc.)
TV Commercials
Music Videos
Other (please specify)
Photo film – 1; VR film - 1
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
1000€ from School and 5000€ from Lithuanian film centre
Degree Awarded
Training Type
Tuition Fees
6187€ (Free tuition for EU citizens and state-funded places)
6187€ (Depending on the year of entry, prices may change)
Number of Students
Applicants (Male/Female/Other)
Enrolled Students (Male/Female/Other)
9 (8/11)
Students Total (Male/Female/Other)
18 (8/11)
International Students incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
Graduates incl. in Total (Male/Female/Other)
7 (4/3)
Admission Requirements
Portfolio & Interview
Agreements with Foreign Governments
No information
High Institution Matriculation
No information
Recognized Prior Expertise
Talent Entrance Exams
Language of Studies
Language of Studies
Student Practical Work Obligations
Fiction Short Films (under 5 min.)
Fiction Short Films (5-15 min.)
Fiction Short Films (15-30 min)
Documentary Films (under 30 min)
Graduation Obligations per Student
Practical Work
Written Thesis
Budget Parameters
Total Amount from School`s Budget Allocated to Production Annually
Average Graduation Practical Work Budget per student
1000€ from School and 5000€ from Lithuanian film centre
Key Teaching Staff
Prof. Janina Lapinskaitė
The land of glass (2005)
Life of Venecijus and the Death of Cezaris (2002)
The train waits five minutes (2009)
Awards: Director and scriptwriter of documentary films „Toks mano likimas”, ”Iš skruzdėlių gyvenimo“(Golden Palm Award in Baro (Yugoslavia), prize in MonteCarlo artistic documentary festival;
“Iš Elfų gyvenimo“ – GRAND PRIX in MonteCarlo artistic documentary festival, special prize in MonteCarlo artistic documentary festival, GRAND PRIX in Berlin festival, prize in Bornholm (Denmark) film festival, Silver Palm Award in Baro Film festival;
“Venera su katinu“ – prize in Jekaterinburg Film festival for the best directing; special prize in Soloniki (Greece) festival, screened by ARTE;
Films “Iš avinėlių gyvenimo“, “Kelionių magija“, “ Aktas“, “ Venecijaus gyvenimas ir Cezario mirtis” (Prize at Avancos (Portugal) film festival.
Feature film “Stiklo šalis” scriptwriter nd director, award for the best directing at TamilNadu film festival (India).
Acress in films „Rungtynės nuo 9 iki 9“, „Moteris ir keturi jos vyrai“, „Elzė iš Gilijos“, „Miegančių drugelių tvirtovė (prize for the best women role at Anapa festival (Russia), prize for the best role at the National Film Awards „Sidabrinės Gervės 2012“.
Received Order for Merit to the Lithuanian Republic: Knights‘ Cross of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas (2004). Member of Lithuanian Cinematpographers Union.
Prof. Audrius Stonys
Member of European Documentary Network and European Film Academy. Made 14 films as an independent filmmaker and producer. Films got more than 20 international film awards. Among them Public prize in Nyon, Grand Prix in Split, prizes in Bornholm, Neu Brandenburg, Bilbao, Florence, Oberhausen and San Francisco.
Prof. Algimantas Puipa
more than 70,000 admissions, his directed film Whisper of Sin was a success in Lithuania. Other successful films include Forest of the Gods and Elze’s Life and recently Garden Eden.
Assoc. Prof. Giedrė Beinoriūtė
Since 1997 directed and wrote seven fiction and documentary short films and worked as an assistant director with the established Lithuanian film makers Šarūnas Bartas (Septyni nematomi žmonės/Seven Invisible People) and Arūnas Matelis (Prieš parskrendant į žemę/Before Flying Back to The Earth).
Lect. Vytautas Dambrauskas
Ramūnas Greičius
Awards: National “Sidabrinė gervė” award (2012) – the best DOP In film “Tadas Blinda. Pradžia”
National Cinematograpy Association‘s award for the best DOP of the year 2011.
Award by Czech Cinematographers Guild (2008) for the best DOP of the year.
Award Chech Lion (2008) for the cinematography of the film „Paslaptys“ („Tajnosti“)
Special price in Anapa film festival KINOSOK, for the film“Baltos dėmės mėlyname”
Prize at the Clermont Ferrand festival for the best sound track, prizes at Aubagn, Forlie, Oberhauzen, Pisek, Brno, Drezden, Regenzburg festivals.