Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), Portugal – International Journal of Film and Media Arts, Vol.1

New issue: The International Journal of Film and Media Arts. Vol. 1 No. 2 – Stereoscopic and Immersive Media

The International Journal of Film and Media Arts Volume: 1, Number: 2 (2016) https://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/ijfma/issue/current is now available online.

The second number of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts is dedicated to stereoscopic and immersive media. This issue has contributions from researchers, scholars and archivists working on visual media renowned for their stereoscopic and immersive features. The papers in this issue keenly reflect a diversity of approaches that contribute to a critical understanding of stereo and immersive media today in the broad context of haptic and visual media cultures, with topics ranging from immersive pre-cinematic media, and scientific stereoscopic practices, to spatial and cultural aspects of virtual travel.

Issue Editors: Victor Flores, Joana Bicacro 


Full Papers


Hacking Stereoscopic Vision: the Nineteenth-Century Culture of Critical Inquiry in Stereoscope Use

Rod Bantjes


Between Immersion and Media Reflexivity: Virtual Travel Media in the 19th Century

Nikita Mathias


Between the Point of View and the Point of Being: The Space of the Stereoscopic Tours

Paolo Parmeggiani


Stereoscopic Therapy: Fun or Remedy?

Sara Raposo


Stereoscopy in Nineteenth Century Brazil: the case of Rio de Janeiro

Maria Cristina Miranda da Silva


British Stereo Photographers in Spain: Frank M. Good

Juan A. F. Rivero